The Downtown Gallery Crawl stitches together both downtown Monroe and West Monroe and offers the public a chance to interact with local art and artist. Held every even numbered month throughout the year, this month's event encompasses eight galleries and contains exhibits in all types of media.
Ben Hickey, curator of collections and exhibitions at the Masur Museum of Art, stresses the importance of art in today's society, "Art really helps to connect the dots. It helps to understand your world."
"One of the neat things is that every one of these spaces is very different. There are no two that are alike," says Ann Bloxom Smith of the Downtown Art Alliance.
Exhibitions highlighted at Thursday's event include "Necessary Thinking for Nasty Perceptions works by Luke Todd" in the Rumos Gallery, a mass exhibition by LA Tech Students in the Upstairs Gallery, a talk by photographer Charlie Heck at the River Gallery, and the public's first glimpse of a collaborative project at the Garrett House.
The Ad Club of Northeast Louisiana will also hold a "People's Choice" contest for the past year's local advertisements.
The Downtown River Jam will also be held in conjunction with the Gallery Crawl.
For more information, visit the Downtown Gallery Crawl's website.