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Bastrop's Rose Theatre Is Performing The Popular Louisiana Play, Steel Magnolias

The play, Steel Magnolias, is being performed this weekend at Bastrop's historic Rose Theatre on 102 E Jefferson Ave. There will be three showings on Oct. 11, 12, and 13. The first two performances will begin at 7 p.m, and the Sunday performance will be a matinee that kicks off at 2 p.m. Tickets cost $20 per person. 

Steel Magnolias is a play by Robert Harling set in Natchitoches, Louisiana. The story follows five Southern women, and the stages of grief that come with losing someone very close to them. Harling based most of the play in a hair salon owned by one of the characters and the beautiful homes found in small-town Louisiana. The play even mentions Monroe at one point in the story!

The Rose Theater has been putting on plays throughout this year, and they had no trouble choosing their next piece for this October. Jessika Wyatt, co-director of the play, says, "Steel Magnolias is set in Louisiana, so it really is just a hometown favorite. We talked about what to do next and this one just came up time and time again." 

Tickets for Steel Magnolias can be bought at Aruetts Jewelry (283-2902) or Cox Funeral Home (283-3100). The proceeds from the play will go towards funding the recently re-opened theatre and future events that will be held at the venue.  

The schedule for Steel Magnolias is as follows: 

October 11:   7 p.m.

October 12:   7 p.m.

October 13:   2 p.m.

For more information about the play, click here