The 2018 Martin Luther King "Day of Service" takes place on Monday, January 15. University of Louisiana Monroe and Louisiana Delta Community College will honor the 2018 MLK Day of Service by donating items to the Desiard St. Shelter.
Community members are encouraged to “Take a Day On” this Martin Luther King, Jr. Day by participating in the National MLK Day of Service. Volunteers will deliver packaged goods to the Desiard St. Shelter and Renewal Center Monday, January 15.
Students and faculty of ULM and LDCC are collecting goods to be donated to the shelter. These donations include:
- Non-perishable food items
- Paper towels
- Hand sanitizer
- Toothpaste and toothbrushes
- Soap
- Baby wipes
- Deodorant
- Band-aides/cotton swabs
- Neosporin
- Razors
- Feminine hygiene products
- Diapers
- One or two-gallon zip-lock bags for packaging the item
Dr. Pamela Saulsberry, the Director of the School of Behavioral and Social Sciences, has organized the day of service in conjunction with Louisiana Delta Community College for the past eight years. She says in that time, she has witnessed not only a great amount of service, but connections being made between students and the agencies being served. The result is an ongoing service to the people who need it most, and a relationship which strengthens both the volunteers and those less fortunate.
Donations can be dropped off in Strauss Hall, Room 208 during business hours until January 15. Participating volunteers will meet in front of Strauss Hall on the ULM campus at 9 a.m., and then travel as a group to Louisiana Delta Community College. Once the donations have been organized and packaged, volunteers will caravan to the shelter and hand out the donations.
For more information, contact Dr. Pamela Saulsberry at 318-342-1445 or .