Outside contractors for the City of Monroe Water System will be conducting a water main connection on Tuesday, September 29, 30, and October 1 starting at 1:30 p.m. that will affect areas 5004- 5706 Bay Oaks Drive and Bon Aire Drive.
The project, which will last for several hours, may cause temporary low pressure and discolored water for customers. Monroe Water System’s quality experts assure customers living in the impacted areas that the water will continue to meet all Safe Drinking Water Act standards and will closely monitor pressure and water supply levels during the exercise.
Contractors are connecting two large water mains together. The connection of these mains, which is part of the Kansas Lane Connector Project. City of Monroe Water System apologizes for the inconvenience of temporary low pressure and discolored water that may occur.
Monroe Water will issue any additional alerts through the news/social media. In the event of discolored water, customers should follow Monroe Water’s flushing guidelines AFTER full pressure has been restored. If customers continue to experience discolored water after following these guidelines, they can contact Monroe Water System Emergency Call Center 24/7 at 318-329-2385.