Delta Veterans Inc. is holding the 6th annual Delta Veterans Expo on Saturday, November 4 from 11a.m. until 3p.m. at the West Monroe Convention Center.
The Delta Veterans Expo is a resource fair for military veterans started six years ago by DVI Founder and President, Anthony Corkaren. A retired member of the US Air Force, Corkaren has firsthand experience with the difficulties of returning from military service as well as the fristrations of dealing with veterans' organizations. This inspired him to start informing veterans of resources and organizations and resources that are available to them to make post-military life more manageable.
Many businesses and organizations get involved and will have information booths set up throughout the event. This provides smaller organizations a chance at exposure without expensive advertising. The expo also features family friendly events, haircuts for veterans, and ULM's nursing program will be performing free health screenings.
The expo is free to the public and is not limited to veterans. There will be no charge for admission. Also this year, due to an anonymous donation, organizations will be allowed to set up their booths with no fees. For information visit