KEDM is accepting donations for the year-end fundraiser, "Give the Joy of Learning."
"Give the Joy of Learning" is a fundraiser for KEDM that puts books in the hands of second grade students in northeast Louisiana.
The program was started in 2016 and has since provided more than 8,000 books to students.
Every $20 gift that KEDM receives is equal to one book given to a child. "It's a great way to support public radio and the quality of news that you get every single day." says General Manager Jay Curtis. The books are sent to 18 schools where children will be allowed to choose a book for themselves.
The KEDM program ties into the United Way of Northeast Louisiana READ.LEARN.SUCCEED program that places adult volunteers into schools to read aloud to a student once a month.
Launched in partner schools during the 2012-13 school year, READ.LEARN.SUCCEED, was designed to help place area students on a good path toward school success by improving their reading skills. United Way Community Initiatives Director Michelle Sauces explains, "When a student doesn't know how to read by the time they're in third grade they're four times as likely to drop out of school. Our long term goal is to increase graduation rates."
READ.LEARN.SUCCEED pairs trained community volunteers with 2nd grade students (3rd grade students at Jefferson only) at 18 partner schools across the region to become one-on-one Volunteer Readers or Pen-Friends. These volunteers and their assigned students practice and sharpen reading and writing skills monthly from October through March.
The Give the Joy of Learning fundraising campaign continues through the end of the year; however, gifts should be made by December 15 for donors' names to be placed in the books.