This new show adapts the F. Scott Fitzgerald novel of ill-fated love and American Dream to ballet form, taking audiences back in time to the lavish decadence of the Roaring Twenties. The production features an all-star creative team, including sensual choreography from Ilya Zhivoy performed to an original, lively jazz score from Anna Drubich, sumptuous sets by Sergei Novikov, video projection by Mikki Kunntu and glamorous costumes by Sonya Vartanyan that capture the allure of the Jazz Age.
"World Ballet Company prides itself on making ballet accessible, and producing Broadway-style ballets. This year, we’re doing that with one of the most important stories of the 20 century literature classic,” said producer Gulya Hartwick, who founded the company with Sasha Gorskaya.
According the audience surveys more than 60 percent of World Ballet Company audiences experience ballet for the first time. "We created the World Ballet Company because we believe there are audiences for ballet in cities across the country," said Gorskaya. "We are thrilled that audiences have responded so enthusiastically to the chance to see ballet in their hometown theaters.
The Great Gatsby Ballet will take place at 6:00 pm, March 23rd at the Monroe Civic Center, located 401 Lea Joyner Memorial Expressway Monroe, LA. For tickets and details visit For more information and interview requests, please reach out to: Nataly Trusova