The faculty of the Political Science program at the University of Louisiana at Monroe are presenting a panel discussion on the United States impeachment process.
"Impeachment 1001: The Process, Ethics and Political Lessons from Impeachment Proceedings" will be held on Wednesday, November 20, 2019, at 6 p.m. in the ULM Student Union Building Ballroom, "The Hangar."
The process for impeachment, ethical issues, whistleblower laws and past impeachments will all be discussed with the public to examine what issues are faced with coming proceedings.
The panelists include Joshua Stockley, Ph.D., Professor in Political Science; Jessica Schofield, Ph.D., Assistant Professor in Political Science; Patrick C. Exmeyer, Ph.D., Assistant Professor in Political Science; and Robert Noel, J.D., Attorney at Law.
This discussion is open to students, faculty, employees and community members. There is no cost or registration required.
Video of the event is available here on KEDM's Facebook page.