Monroe Businessman Friday Ellis has announced he is entering the Monroe Mayoral race.
Ellis, owner of local business Governor's Cigar and Pipe, said that he is entering the race because of his love for the city and sadness in seeing friends leave town.
"I have serious skin in the game. I have three kids and it is up to us to create the environment they need to stay here and be successful."
Ellis will be going on a listening tour for the next few weeks to learn what local communities want and need.
"My main focuses are crime, flooding and economic development which all go hand in hand towards quality of business in town."
Ellis previously worked for the City of Monroe Engineering Department and is a United States Marine Corps veteran.
Ashley Ellis, Friday's wife, was recently elected to the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education.
Ellis was named a 2019 LABI Free Enterprise Champion for the state. He is a member of numerous community organizations.