Imagine the Marx Brothers answering questions about automobiles. Picture Monty Python trying to imitate car noises. Think of A.J. Foyt telling someone how to open the car hood. Mix it all up, throw in a little Dr. Ruth and a little Smothers Brothers, and you've got Car Talk.
The program is hosted by Tom and Ray Magliozzi, better known to their listeners as "Click and Clack, the Tappet Brothers" -- monikers taken from the clickety-clack sound of aging automobiles. During the show, Tom and Ray freely dispense expert car advice to callers in the broad accents of their native East Cambridge neighborhood. But the irreverent program is about much more than just automotive repair. "People have always told us that the calls about peoples’ relationships are some of our best calls," says Ray.
After Tom's death in 2014, the show was re-branded as The Best of Car Talk, and features the two brothers, funny as ever, in archive recordings of calls that still entertain and delight audiences across the country.
NPR's Neal Conan hosts NPR News special coverage of the Pentagon brieifing with Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and General Richard Myers, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
NPR's Neal Conan is joined by NPR's Scott Horsley, retired Gen. William Tuttle, NPR's Don Gonyea and James Fallows, a national correspondent with The Atlantic Monthly discuss developments in the war in Iraq.
NPR's Neal Conan hosts special coverage of a Pentagon briefing on the status of the war in Iraq by Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and Gen. Richard Myers, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.