Whether you're starting or growing a business, membership with a trade association can be a great benefit. Networking and meeting opportunities can help…
The Saturday following Thanksgiving has become known as "Small Business Saturday." American Express started the campaign in 2010 to focus consumer…
Business owners should have a strategic plan. It is not the easiest task given the three levels the plan should contain. Louisiana Small Business…
There are some steps business owners can take in preparing for holiday shoppers.Louisiana Small Business Development Center's Barry Parker has a few…
Image is unique. A business' image can help draw customers. If the perception does not match performance, it can result in driving customers away.…
Establishing your brand begins with your company's name. Trying to decide on a name that identifies you best, might be a somewhat complicated task.…
Getting to be your own boss does not hold everything it appears to promise. LSBDC's Barry Parker presents some common beliefs about entrepreneurship that…
The ability to act on quality issues is vital to small businesses. LSBDC's Barry Parker provides a few benchmarks to keep in mind to make sure owners are…
Growth and success in a small business will eventually lead to hiring employees. Louisiana Small Business Development Center's Barry Parker shares on…
Many consumers check on product reviews before a purchase. Small business owners need to be aware of reviews and the impact they can have on consumer…